(click the link for the article in today’s paper and some interesting comments from the public)
County, Rhodes, Reach Agreement on Development Near Red Rock Canyon
Great letters to the commissioners, everyone.
Today’s zoning meeting was upsetting. The commissioners said they are not against protection for Red Rock, but they haven’t fought for it yet, either. At today’s meeting, they acknowledged all your concerned emails and said they would open the ordinance to public input for the next 30 days before making a decision. This is not much time to come at 5 years and millions worth of lawyers funded by one developer. The county is in a difficult position, as are we all. Thousands of people passionate about saving Red Rock Canyon are finding themselves in a legal chokehold. We have to try to avoid legal action against the county, or everyone loses, but this ordinance (that allows 1000 homes on the top of the mountain in Red Rock without any overlay conditions) just won’t do! And besides, if the state wins it’s appeal, the county will have sold out for nothing. We should support any efforts by commissioners to figure out a better way. The county is going to come to discuss this at the next public Red Rock Advisory Council meeting (March 31), and said they would also hold another public meeting in Las Vegas (TBD). I’ll keep you posted.
Lisa Mayo DeRiso read the 800 page lawsuit and explained it to me. And we also talked to the lawyers today who are representing Jim Rhodes for the settlement. My layman’s understanding of the legal situation is this:
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