A National Conservation Area is protected by Congress for its cultural, scientific, ecological and recreational value. Red Rock Canyon was the first designated NCA in the country, and it’s the most-visited one as well. SRR continually works with BLM, Desert Research Institute and other conservation organizations to identify and mitigate the effects of climate change on the land and wildlife. Whether through a clean up, restoration project, public education, etc. we promote and execute safe, effective strategies for sustaining this delicate natural environment for all to enjoy.
Make it Rain
Red Rock Canyon is suffering from extreme drought, and that’s why Save Red Rock partnered with the scientists at DRI on a groundbreaking cloud seeding program with potential to bring millions of gallons of much-needed rain and snowmelt to our thirsty canyon!

Save Lovell Canyon
The Brett Torino Foundation launched the “Save Lovell Canyon” initiative in 2017. In the years prior to the environmental effort, off-road vehicles, guns and explosives had caused great damage to the terrain and drove away the hikers, runners, cyclists, campers, and horseback riders. Trees were being used as shooting targets, and the land became polluted with toxic bullet casings and trash. The littering and destruction had also led to several man-made fires that ravaged the area.