Dear Friends,
Your donation to the Make It Rain cloud seeding campaign is already paying off! Since we met our fundraising goal in October, the scientists at DRI have been hard at work finding the best location to place our seeder, as well as monitoring for optimal weather conditions.
We are elated to tell you that, after installing a generator this fall, we’ve already seeded our first storm!
On Nov. 8 a rain and snow event produced 2.2” of precipitation. Our cloud seeder contributed an additional .01” covering more than 40 miles of terrain, for a total of 213 acre feet. That’s more than 69 MILLION GALLONS of water produced by the seeder alone!
For context, that’s enough water to run about 500 households (at an average of .4 acre-ft / yr) for a full year, and is nearly one quarter of average winter precipitation that the flora and fauna in the area are used to surviving on.
The full scientific report from DRI about this storm is now available on our website. Thank you for all you are doing to help us mitigate the devastating effects of drought in our area.
The Cottonwood Springs Water Stewards
A Committee of Save Red Rock
Summary of Storm 1
Date: Nov. 8, 2022
Cloud Seeder Yield: 213 acre ft (or 69,410,000 gallons)
Total Storm Precipitation: 2.2”