The founders of Save Red Rock started their advocacy more than 20 years ago to honor a friend of theirs who was struck and killed in a cycling accident. The grassroots effort to ensure that hikers, bikers, climbers and nature-lovers have a safe place to visit has since turned into a movement. Safety threats continue, and SRR works closely with BLM, Metro, NDOT and more to improve the safety of this special place.
Truck Traffic Sightings
For more than twenty years, Save Red Rock has been a devoted steward of recreational safety in and around Red Rock Canyon NCA. Over the past several months, our advocates have noticed a concerning uptick in commercial truck traffic along Scenic Byway SR-159, which can put hikers and bikers at risk.
Have you spotted a truck on this road?

Red Rock Legacy Trail
Since 2005, Save Red Rock has been fighting for a multi-use paved path for both cyclists and pedestrians to enjoy safely away from traffic. Our vision is finally becoming a reality. Learn more about this forthcoming off-road paved path in Red Rock Canyon.