Q1 2025, Uplifted truck safety with a public data sharing campaign
February 2025, Began pursuit of distinction of Red Rock Canyon as an Urban Night Sky Place, in partnership with BLM and Dark Sky International
April 2025, Celebrated Earth Day with an educational Star Party
Feb 2024, Our efforts to “Keep Red Rock Rural” featured in Desert Companion Magazine.
Feb 2024, Participated in a Red Rock Legacy Trail Open House to define pathway of Phase 5.
April 2024, Expanded our annual Earth Day event with a large-scale volunteer opportunity featuring over 200 citizens, including event sponsors Brett Torino Foundation, Whole Foods Market, Best Buy, Centennial Subaru, and the Cub Scouts, to remove litter from Lovell Canyon.
May 2024, Launched a PSA campaign on our social media, website and e-blasts on Bike Safety to promote National Bike Month and keep riders safe on the roads.
October 2024, Launched the Save Red Rock Ambassador Program
November 2024, Launched a local artist merchandise and auction project
January 2023, Participated in public process for Red Rock Corridor Study by NDOT for scenic byway safety (SR 159/160).
Feb – May 2023, Supported Nevada Senator Goicoechea’s proposed bill and subsequent hearings to obtain government support for SRR/DRI “Make it Rain” programs for Red Rock Canyon and Mt. Charleston.
March 2023, Supported SNWA vote to accept a $2.4 million grant from US Bureau of Reclamation to fund cloud seeding in Colorado River feeder states.
March 2023, Celebrated 60,000 additional acre feet of water generated by the DRI/SRR cloud seeder, which equals 18,000 homes of water for a year and which helped replenish Red Rock’s drought stricken riparian areas.
March 2023, Announced public comment period for Transform Clark County and the importance of asking County Commissioners to protect Red Rock in the process.
April 2023, Hosted 2nd annual Earth Day Social and Educational event promoting conservation and clean up. Grateful for our 75-100 volunteers filling dumpsters with litter for a cleaner canyon.
May 2023, Supported Southwest Ridge Mountain Bike Park sponsored by Commissioner Jones and proposed connections to the Red Rock Legacy Trail
June 2023, Promoted (it passed!) Nevada Senate Bill 99 authorizing $1.2 million for a two-year continuation of Red Rock “Make it Rain” cloud seeding program and statewide expansion.
Sept 2023, Relaunched “Diamond Kid” triathlon to raise money and awareness for Recreational Safety.
Dec 2023, Created an all-new online merchandise shop to create opportunities to shop for a cause
March 2022, Opposed a pumped-storage hydro-electric energy project on the east face of Blue Diamond Hill. BLM ultimately denied the project.
April 2022, Promoted Public Participation Meetings for SR 160 and SR 159 Corridor Study, and provided safety alternative concepts for the Red Rock Scenic Byway.
April 2022, Hosted first annual Save Red Rock Earth Day celebration, volunteer and advocacy activities in the Blue Diamond Park.
April 2022, Promoted public review for Red Rock Legacy Trail Phase 1 (Summerlin to RR Visitor’s Center) Environmental Assessment and earned hundreds of public comment.
April 2022, Promoted the Graffiti removal hotline campaign as a result of crime against nature committed in Ash Creek.
May 2022, Promoted public participation on BLM Calico Basin management plan.
May 2022, Announced final public comment for proposed Legacy Trail before final environmental assessment.
June 2022, Encouraged public feedback on BLM Proposed Red Rock Canyon Fee Adjustments and Infrastructure.
September 2022, Kicked off “Make it Rain” campaign to combat extreme drought conditions with cloud seeding by Desert Research Institute.
October 2022, Petitioned County Commissioners to deny use permit application for phase 1 (429-house/671-acre) of development on gypsum mountain, an increase in density and intensity as compared to the (280-house/563-acre) phase 1 as previously approved.
November 2022, Executed an email campaign to Commissioner Jones to preserve protections in the Red Rock Overlay and “Keep Red Rock Rural.”
December 2022, Celebrated first success in Make it Rain cloud seeder for Red Rock with the first rain event producing over 69 million gallons of water.
Jan. 2021, Kicked-off a 3 Part Cycling Safety Campaign and the LV5 Ghost Bike in partnership with SNVBC, agencies and cycling community.
March 2021, Testified and Promoted Southern Nevada Economic Development Act in congress to protect 2 million acres and add 50,000 acres to the Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area.
March 2021, Promoted opposition of SB 138, the Bicycle Ban on 4400 miles of Nevada streets. The bill did not pass.
April 2021, Supported Ghost Bike awareness sculpture installed in Summerlin at 215 Beltway and Charleston
April 2021, Urged Clark County to adopt 30×30 Resolution Conservation Plan to facilitate future passing of Red Rock expansion.
April 2021, Worked with Senator Catherine Cortez Masto and Rep. Dina Titus on 50,000 acres Red Rock NCA expansion portion of SNEDCA Bill.
April-May 2021, SRR Water Stewards volunteers worked to improve aquifer retention in Lower Cottonwood Springs by removing Invasive Tamarisk.
May 2021, Partnered with SNVBC, Breakaway, Ghost Bikes, and Skye Canyon to raise awareness for the 3-Feet/Move Over passing law, by kicking off the “Ride Safe, Know Before You Go” campaign.
June 2021, Hosted Outdoor Nevada Proclamation Ceremony and Community Bike Ride in partnership with Vegas PBS and Rep. Susie Lee, along with members of city council and county commission.
June 2021, Encouraged public participation in the Clark County Master Plan Update to advocate against policy change that could pave the way for increased development densities in Red Rock Canyon.
July 2021, Published Southern Nevada Economic Development Act in El Tiempo with former state director of BLM, Juan Palma
August 2021, Opposed private (280-house/563-acre) Red Rock housing development at Clark County hearing and organized the sending of approximately 800 emails to Clark County Commissioners opposing this project.
November 2021, Launched the Give Back to Red Rock, 31st Birthday Triple Gift Campaign.
2020, Awarded federal funding for Phase 1 of the Red Rock Legacy Trails.
2020, Applied for $70 million in SNPLMA funding for Red Rock projects
2020, BLM application for $38 million in funding for Zones 2-4 of the Red Rock Legacy Trail
2020, Ran a rock climbing and mountain biking video ad campaign for the Great American Outdoors Act
Jan. 2020, Worked with Federal delegation to expand the Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area by 50,000 acres in the Southern Nevada Education and Development Act
2020, County awarded Zone 5 design and construction to begin on the Red Rock Legacy Trail System
Dec. 2020, Hosted #nomoreghostbikes memorial and bike safety event
Jan 2019, Saved 3000 acres adjacent to Red Rock Canyon from a development “disposal” land transfer
2019, Initiated the Save Red Rock Attitude of Gratitude campaign forthe Land and Water Conservation Fund
2018, hundreds of supporters including celebrities, The Killers, Alex Honnold, Imagine Dragons, TJ Lavin support Save Red Rock’s rally to “Keep Red Rock Rural” at a Clark County development hearing.
2018, Fought for Red Rock tortoise habitat and mobility in CC Lands Bill
2017, Formed Red Rock Legacy Trails Partnership
Since 2017, Hosted first annual Red Rock Challenge Running Race from Spring Mountain Ranch
Feb 2017, Save Red Rock awarded community development corporation non-profit 501c3 status
Feb 2017, Presented 50,000-signature petition to County Commissioners
Feb 2017, Obtained non-profit status for Save Lovell Canyon
2017, Formed Lovell Canyon Task Force with US Forest Service, LV Metropolitan Police, conservation group
March 2016, Red Rock Rally at Lifetime Fitness, road biking, mountain biking, running races and free speech rally to Keep Red Rock Rural
2016, Firearm and open fire danger restrictions signage in Lovell Canyon
June 2016, Installed bike lane rumble strip gaps on SR 160 for cycling safety
2016, Delivered petition for Lovell Canyon shooting restrictions to County Commissioners
2016, Rock Out For Red Rock Benefit Concert and Rally: Indie Rock, Alternative Rock, Punk Rock, Red Rock: Zabi, Go Bold, Lektra Lights, Illicitor, Brock Fabrielle
2016-2017, SRR Volunteers remove 8 dumpsters of litter from Lovell Canyon
Dec. 2016, The Killers Rock Band promote petition to Keep Red Rock Rural
Dec. 2016, Hosted Red Rock Rally at Spring Mountain Ranch State Park, Fun Run, Bike Ride, Family Hike, Yoga
2011 – 2015
March 2012, Hosted Rock Out For Red Rock Benefit Concert and Rally by Imagine Dragons and guests, Cynics, Play for Keeps and Avalon Landing, at the Hard Rock Cafe
2014, Worked with NDOT to install New traffic safety lights on the Blue Diamond Highway
2005-2009, Separated Bike Path (Red Rock Legacy Trail) Programmatic EA studied and published as the #1 Public Response to NDOT Safety Charettes
2007, Hosted first Annual Diamond Kid Junior Triathlons and Fun Runs and summer youth swim teams.
2007, Hosted first of 12 Annual Jam at the Barn Red Rock Indie Music festivals
June 2007, SB 128 state law passed: commercial trucking restrictions implemented on RR Scenic Byway
2008, Worked with NDOT to build 12 foot shoulders for bikes on Scenic Byway (the shoulders were only 2 feet before) This was another top public alternative from the Safety Charrettes.
2008, Worked with NDOT on Scenic Byway resurfacing with traffic calming devices and 3m reflective striping.
May 2009, AB 276 state law passed: wildlife range fencing for the Red Rock Scenic Byway
2009, First of 5 Save Red Rock Road Biking Events
July 2009, Red Rock Safety Speed Zone created and speed limit reduced to 50 mph
2001 – 2005
2001, Worked with community to fight Red Rock Major Development threat
May 2003, Helped Design the Red Rock Overlay District
2005 Started SaveRedRock.com community grassroots organization to honor a friend/metro officer’s life with a legacy of safety and dedication for Red Rock
2005-2006, Hosted NDOT safety Charettes to address recreation danger on the 159 Red Rock Scenic Byway.
2005, First of 10 Save Red Rock Rallies