Originally published by Patrick Walker, 8 News Now
Read here: https://www.8newsnow.com/news/local-news/housing-development-near-red-rock-faces-hurdle/
Posted: Apr 17, 2019 / 12:35 PM PDT / Updated: Apr 19, 2019 / 11:04 AM PDT
LAS VEGAS (KLAS) — A proposed development near Read Rock Conservation Area has been a point of contention for nearly a decade.
Wednesday, Clark County commissioners took a key vote that will delay the development of the 3,000 home subdivision on Blue Diamond Hill.
A 2,000-acre mixed-use, mostly housing development has been in the planning stages for an area near Red Rock Conservation Area. Nearby residents have long been opposed citing concerns related to safety, the environment and encroachment on Red Rock, just across Highway 159.
They once again made their voices heard to county commissioners on Wednesday.
“Why are we here again, wasting your time?” Pauline Van Betten said who opposes development.
The fight over a proposed 3,000 home development on the southwest side of the valley reached a head during a key hearing.
“We’re not trying to tell them they can’t develop; they can develop but they bought this piece of garbage without a road access directly to what they needed to do, that’s not our problem,” said Commissioner Chris Giunchigliani who opposes development.
The developers of the proposed subdivision on top of Blue Diamond Hill asked county commissioners for a waiver allowing them to move forward in the permitting process. Gypsum Resources, LLC wants the ability to use a road off of Highway 159 for construction and secondary access to the subdivision and for the county to approve plans before they secure the right-of-way for the primary access road through BLM land.
“The applicant is not proposing to waive either of those two conditions,” said Ron Krater, planning consultant for Gypsum Resources.
County Commissioner Justin Jones represented the organization “Save Red Rock” prior to his election last fall. He made the motion to deny the developer’s request for waivers, after declaring that the state ethics board gave him the okay to vote on the matter.
“The voters in District ‘F’ did not elect me to shy from my voting on issues that matter to them, and especially not this issue,” Commissioner Jones said.
Krater says the developer isn’t surprised by the decision.
“We’re going to continue forward with the project, as planned, as proposed, we don’t see this as a setback as all,” he said.
Opponents see the commission’s decision as a victory.
“We’re glad that the commissioners decided ‘hey, Red Rock is worth it,’ we’re not just going to drop it for any little condition,” said Heather Fisher, president, Save Red Rock.
The developer wants access to the development off of Highway 160, Blue Diamond Road. The developer will not be able to build a public road into the subdivision off of Highway 159 under the terms of a prior settlement.