Conditions have changed on SR 159 and SR 160. There are more motorists using these scenic roads and they are speeding and operating their vehicles in reckless ways that endanger innocent road users such as tourists, hikers, bicyclists and dog walkers.
The Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) is conducting a project study on these two roads and there’s no time to waste to weigh in with our comments, ideas and suggestions.
Please use this link here — https://www.ndotsr160.com/copy-of-home — to read about NDOT’s corridor study and to get your points across to the state.
Comment form: https://www.ndotsr160.com/copy-of-project-schedule
The deadline is APRIL 27, so please act soon.
If you use these roads, you know that these two roads are no longer average state highways across Nevada.
They have become busy corridors and we need to advise the NDOT ASAP about our ideas.
There are many recommendations that can be offered.
For example, ideas include building scenic roundabouts to slow down speeding motorists, designating bicycle lanes, creating off-street parking at trailheads, having Red Rock entrance stations at both ends of the scenic byway, installing signage letting drivers know they are entering a conservation area and recreational corridor, putting up “Move Over A Lane For Bicyclists” signs on SR 160, and beefing up police enforcement to crack down on speeding, impaired and reckless motorists.
We’re sure you have other ideas, too, so please inform the NDOT of them by April 27 at that link. We need to be vigilant and proactive because our metro area is growing and there are more visitors using these roads to reach our scenic lands in our expanding market.
Please let your voices be heard — we know you have great ideas.