After the tragic loss of five cyclists, the subject of road safety is paramount in the public eye. Save Red Rock has been pushing road safety since our genesis. One of our current top priorities is to improve safety on the scenic byway by creating a bike lane. But we already have a bike lane, right? Wrong.
In the early 2000s, Save Red Rock worked with NDOT to create bike lanes on the scenic byway. As a result, NDOT widened the shoulders from one foot to 8 feet. For a while, this solution gave cars and bikers each their own lane. However, with recent overcrowding on the scenic byway, cars have started parking in the bike lanes, causing immediate dangers for bikers.

In response, Save Red Rock requested NDOT install bike lane signs and paint information on the roadway. It was then we learned the shoulder was never designated an official bike lane. Instead, the lane is technically a breakdown lane. In order to designate the lane into a bike lane, additional standards, including the creation of 5-feet of space for turn pockets need to be met first. Without official designation, the safety features cannot be installed.
Save Red Rock is working with the BLM and NDOT to fix these minor discrepancies. We are fighting to widen the bike lanes where required to meet all the necessary standards to officially designate bike lanes. Once completed, we will be able to add the required signage to keep everyone safe.
If you would like to support our lobbying efforts, please email a letter of support to [email protected]