Jim Rhodes is suing Clark County to overturn the Red Rock Overlay district that our community worked so hard to create and protect! In the lawsuit, Rhodes seeks to overturn SB 358 (2003 Session) and the Clark County Ordinance that limited density on the approximately 3,000 acre Gypsum Mine Property to existing densities (1 home/ 2 acres). The Gypsum Mine Property is surrounded by the Red Rock Natl Conservation Area. Any project on the property would necessarily take access from S.R. 159.
The Red Rock Overlay District so far has been so successful in it’s mission to protect Red Rock Canyon from massive development, that it was even an instrumental example for the supporters of Mt. Charleston’s AB 352, in which they were able to extend similar protections to Mt. Charleston in this most recent legislative session. The passage of AB 352 was a big success for those who worked to make sure everyone could enjoy an unspoiled Mt. Charleston. But now, just weeks after the passage of AB 352, the original, Red Rock Overlay District is being threatened.
Rhodes is attempting to overturn SB 358 and put 12,000 to 24,000 homes in the middle of Red Rock Canyon.
I will be following the case with the Defense Attorney and Pauline Van Betten so I can keep you informed. If you do not get emails from Save Red Rock and would like to, you may sign up here.