Here are a few excerpts from the Purpose of Title 30 that I found pertinent to this issue:
- to promote the general prosperity, health, safety, and welfare of the citizens
- divides the County into Zoning Districts, and sets forth the regulations pertaining to such districts
- Correspond with the character and physical limitations of the land.
- Promote the conservation of open space
- protection of other natural and scenic resources from unreasonable impairment
- Correspond with the character and physical limitations of the land.
- Take into account the immediate and long-range financial impact of the application of particular land to particular kinds of development, and the relative suitability of the land for development.
- Conserve the value of buildings
- encourage the most appropriate use of land throughout the County
- Protect existing neighborhoods and communities, including the protection of rural neighborhoods.
- Provide for harmonious development compatible with surrounding development.
- Improve desirability of living conditions.
- Encourage the preservation of historic and paleontological resources and sites.
- Otherwise further the general prosperity, health, safety and welfare of the community
The County Officials and bodies…in order from the entity with the most authority…have the responsibility for implementing and administering this Title