Dear Red Rock Canyon friends,
This is hopeful news! This Tuesday, January 22, the Clark County Commissioners are going to vote on a resolution that if passed, could be the first step in removing the threat of development from Red Rock!
BCC Item 63: Approve, adopt, and authorize the Chairman to sign a resolution supporting efforts to exchange the Gypsum Mine Property on Blue Diamond Hill for federal land. (For possible action)
This sounds very exciting, but not knowing all the details, we are cautiously optimistic. This could be a step in the right direction! The next step would be to encourage the BLM and the developer to agree to a fair exchange for land somewhere else.
1) Click here to send your vote to the commissioners
2) Go to the county commission meeting at 500 S. Grand Central Parkway, Tuesday, January 22, 2013, 9:00 a.m. (or sometime later, as it is item number 63 on the agenda, check facebook for updates)