For More Information ContactJennifer [email protected] | 702-234-9385
LAS VEGAS, NV (March 19, 2019) – The Clark County Commission is set to hear an appeal at the March 20, 2019 County Commission meeting regarding the Bonnie Springs development plan. The appellant is asking County Commissioners to consider questions regarding commercial zoning and use.
In advance of the appeal, Save Red Rock is seeking clarification on zoning and use permits and access road issues associated with the property. As a non-profit dedicated to defending the public interest to “Keep Red Rock Rural”, Save Red Rock does not support actions that could lead to an increase in the density and intensity of use in Red Rock Canyon. While the current plan does not seek to increase density and intensity, if the issues of commercial zoning and access are not resolved, it could open the doors to future expansion.
1-Is commercial zoning required? The appeal brings to light the question of commercial zoning. Save Red Rock does not support any upzoning in the canyon, particularly from rural to commercial. An exception for any developer, no matter how innocuous, could set precedent for future exploitation.
2-Are access modifications required? The access road to the property runs through the Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area. For that reason, special rules and regulations apply. If county overrules NCA guidelines to meet current development standards, that would set a dangerous precedent as well.
“We cannot allow precedent that zoning and national conservation area rules can be changed for development, period. Save Red Rock is not supportive of any upzoning or conservation area rules exceptions in the canyon,” said Sheila Billingsley, treasurer of Save Red Rock. “We urge the County Commissioners to ensure that rural zoning and NCA protections be preserved when considering and voting on the appeal.”
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