Is Red Rock Canyon Disposable?!
Did you know that nearly 1000 acres of land above Red Rock Canyon (adjacent to the property that Jim Rhodes owns and is trying to develop) is listed as disposal land? This is not only outrageous but extremely dangerous! All the Federal Government has to do to SAVE RED ROCK CANYON from this threat is relist this land as outside the disposal boundary. It is already our public land and it wouldn’t cost the tax payer a cent. Alternately, doing nothing could cost the future of Red Rock Canyon! Please request a postcard here or write a letter to your Federal Representatives (addresses below) asking them to please remove this ultra sensitive land from the “disposal” boundary before a developer snatches it up and ruins the canyon! Feel free to call for more information: Heather Fisher, President, Save Red Rock, 702-274-0116.

- The Honorable Dean Heller, United States Senate, 361A Russell Senate Office Building, Washington DC, 20510, Phone: 202-224-6244
- The Honorable Joe Heck, United States Congress, 132 Cannon HOB, Washington DC, 20515, Phone: 202-225-3252
- The Honorable Harry Reid, United States Senate, 522 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington DC 20510, Phone: 202-224-3542
- The Honorable Shelley Berkley, United States Congress, 405 Cannon HOB, Washington DC, 20515, Phone: 202-225-5965